Hadoop Training - Big Data Training deals

Big data is a data sets or combinations of data sets whose size (volume), complexity (variability), and rate of growth (velocity) make them difficult to be captured, managed, processed or analyzed by conventional technologies and tools, such as relational databases and desktop statistics or visualization packages, within the time necessary to make them useful.

Volume of data: Volume refers to amount of data. Volume of data stored in enterprise repositories have grown from megabytes and gigabytes to petabytes.

Variety of data: Different types of data and sources of data. Data variety exploded from structured and legacy data stored in enterprise repositories to unstructured, semi structured, audio, video, XML etc.

Velocity of data: Velocity refers to the speed of data processing. For time-sensitive processes such as catching fraud, big data must be used as it streams into your enterprise in order to maximize its value.

Big data solutions that have the capability to manage variability, velocity, variety and volumes of data are seen as the solution that can help in managing new age information. The ability to cost effectively store and process all these sources of data and develop insights is key, and this can be solved using big data platforms.

Big Data Insights:

Enable Reporting and Analytics capabilities over Big Data Platforms & Data Appliances

Direct & Indirect Analytics

Interactive Reports, Business Analytics, Performance Management

Forecasting, predictive analytics, scoring, pattern search, rule discovery

BI & Analytical Tools

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

• We Focus on more generic and open source solutions

• Programs are taught by Data experts

• Vast experience in Application and Data Management industry

• Program tailored to participants needs

• Arrange Job Interviews

• Trained Many Candidates

What is Big Data

Hadoop Fundamentals

Hadoop Architecture

Apache YARN , HDFS, MapReduce Hadoop

Writing Apache PIG Programs

Working on Hive programs - HiveQL

Working on Structured and Unstructured Data

Working on data management framework for Hadoop

Bulk data transfer between HDFS and structured datastores

Working on Data Streaming

Data modelling

Working with Spark and Hadoop Distributed File System

Working on ETL Tools

Working on Data Monitoring and Analytics

Data analysis, and visualizations.

Cluster Configuration

Working on Workflow scheduler system

Working on Hadoop management web UI

Monitoring and Troubleshooting